Thursday, September 11, 2008

"Buy all our playsets and toys!"

Hegemony is simply defined by James Lull as the "power or dominance that one social group holds over others." However, Lull broadens this by mentioning that hegemony is a "method for gaining and maintaining power." In this day and age power can easily be defined as money, money, money. Just like the Hulk, green is the color of power (and fear according to Anne Heche). That is why Lull talks about how most things today are made and used for the amount of money could be made off of them. Toys, cars, music, television shows you name it. The strong develop objects and materials that we as consumers are trained into desiring, therefore causing the strong to gain hold of us and become even more powerful. Hegemony is definitely a thought process in which capitalism is the evil. Thats Marxism for ya.

The Cheat Commandos exemplifies the sometimes obvious product development tied into the cartoons that children watch. I can remember as a kid watching shows similar to The Cheat Commandos like G.I. Joe, Power Rangers, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles while going crazy over the newest toy or video game advertized in the following commercial (Hey! They just showed that jeep in the show!). The Cheat Commandos shows how something as ridiculous as a cheap brand of toys could sell easily on their own but gets a television show because it would easily boost profits

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