Monday, September 22, 2008

Sugar, spice, and everything nice plus radioactive chemicals

Liesbet van Zoonen's article Feminists Perspectives on the Media talks about the ongoing struggle for gender equality and the different means to this end. The three ideological feminist views are liberal, radical, and socialist feminism. Liberal feminism has the viewpoint that the stereotypes and prejudices of yesturyear and today has caused the inequality of women. Therefore, a liberal feminist's goal is to enter the male dominated workforce, demand equal pay, and still be able to be a mother. Zoonen described this idea as the "Superwoman." Zoonen also mentioned how this can easily lead to women being "burned out" since this is one hard task. Radical feminist view patriarchy as the enemy of all women. Naturally, this means that Radical feminists must "cut all ties with men and male society" (pg. 37). It is their belief that women are innately good. I'll leave that statement alone and hope that it does sound ridiculous (sugar and spice and everything nice huh?). The last of which Zooner talked about was the Socialist feminist who deals with not only the gender issues of woman equality, but also divulges into the "class and economic conditions of women as well" (pg. 38).

Even Feminists can be villains as well!
This is an image of Femme Fatale, a one time man-hating villain from the cartoon the Powerpuff Girls. Her whole deal in the episode Equal Fights was that because she was a woman criminal that she should be allowed to do her theft of Susan B. Anthony coins. Through some persuasion, she was let go by our trio. To make a long story short, the girls decided that it was wrong to let her do this because even Susan B. Anthony wanted to be tried equal to a man.
I look at this example and think of the radical feminist and their ideal of women being innately good. I can understand women wanting equality within society, but that is easier said than done. If true equality is given, than women can lose the role of motherhood, yet on the other hand, too much motherhood with equality can lead to the "Superwoman" ideal within Liberal feminists. Needless to say equality is a hard thing to attain. However, we can all agree that people like Femme Fatale should stay equally behind bars. :cue ending theme:

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