Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Casablanca Review

Ah, Casablanca. You really can't go wrong with this movie here. I watched it once in high school and appreciated it then. Now, 4 or so years later, I can appreciate it so much more. This time around, certain things just made more sense. Considering that Casablanca is one of those films that is at the base of Hollywood films makes it's historical background credible. I found myself seeing so many pop culture references in my head that I never understood until now.
I find Casablanca funny because it seems like this movie was made as a propaganda piece against the Nazis and against the Vichy government in France (especially when the bottle of Vichy water is tossed in the trash at the end of the film). It is amazing to see that a propaganda piece could capture the eyes of millions of viewers through the years.
To top it all off, the paradoxical acting of Humphrey Bogart (emotionless, yet full of emotion at the same time, and always amazing!) makes Casablanca an antique of film.

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