Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Ran Review

So, I wasn't completely sure what Ran was when I walked into class. Once I heard that it was an Akira Kurosawa film, I was really excited. I must say that personally I really liked Ran. It was an easy enough plot to follow (thank you Shakespeare), the action scenes were good, and I could understand most of the cultural things within it. I have spent a lot of time reading about not so much acting style of old Japan, but pretty much with everything else. So, most of the cultural things made sense.
When it comes to mise-en-scene, I felt like it really had a historical mise-en-scene with the very rustic appearance of the castles and the armor and such, but also had a theatrical mise-en-scene with the actor/ress's decisions and make-up.
I think what made this film really appealing to me was the melding of King Lear into Ran. It is a cross cultural movie that can show how little boundaries there are between cultures. However, at the same time, it also shows how many there are too.

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