Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Do the Right Thing Analysis

After watching Do the Right Thing in pieces there were a few things I wanted to mention. First off, the group of four kids that are always together seem to be the characters who display the theme of the time with their costumes the most. At the same time, their stylized acting gave you the feel of comic relief, yet quick changing moods (especially at the end, happy-to ticked pretty fast).
Another particular scene that I wanted to talk about was the talk with Sal and Pino. The mise-en-scene's setting and shot stays the same, yet there are a few people who arrive and leave within the shot. The lighting in the scene seems to be like the lighting through the rest of the movie except slightly different, to give you a feel of "end of the day." The talk is mainly about Pino's anger to which Sal is finally confronting. Ironically, the one person who is (for the most part) innocent and has done no harm shows up. Smiley shows the stylistic acting as well to show how people really just don't listen to some people. If the riot at the end of the movie only heard his say, "one of the cops was black," would Sal's pizzeria been burned down? analysis

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