Monday, October 6, 2008

"Its like I've married my best friend, but in a totally manly kind of way!"

Chapter 8's title Men's Magazines and Modern Male Identities pretty much spells out exactly what Gauntlett is going to talk about. The first chapter is spent mapping out the content and validity of modern men's "lifestyle" magazines. The chosen few include FHM, Loaded, Maxim, Men's Health, Front, GQ, and others. I am going to come out in the open and admit that I have personally read at least half (Mens Health is quality man magazine) or more of these magazines (Loaded is a UK magazine, and Front is new to me.), and, for men, these magazines are something that everyone has to have at least taken a look at once (if they say otherwise, I believe they are lying).
One specific thing that I noticed about most of these magazines is that the articles are written like it is two guys talking to each other. "The irony is used as a kind of defensive shield: the writers anticipate that many men may reject serious articles on relationships, or advice about sex, health or cooking and so douse their pieces with humour, silliness, and irony to 'sweeten the pill'" (pg.167). I have to admit that this is a very attractive and clever way of writing. Honestly, I have gotten this type of feeling whilst reading an article from these magazines. Gauntlett continues on by mentioning that men actually have a laden innate nature to need advice about what it is to be a man, but are made to think that they do not want serious articles. There needs to be a level of informality, so it could be considered as "man talk." It seems like men, in general, can only talk about unmanly things like "feelings" or "emotions" if it is considered funny or laughable.

Case in Point
Scrubs ~Guy Love~

This a clip from the show Scrubs which includes JD and Turk who are know throughout the series for being best friends for life. This clip comes during the sixth season, and at this point JD and Turk have been given the joke that they are like a married couple multiple times. Though comical this clip shows something that is pretty much accepted by our culture. That guys can be really good friends without being considered gay because....its just two guys enjoying each others company but it is joked about. Guy love. If this was a formula it would be like this

too much guy time+emotions=gay
too much guy time+emotions+jokes=Manly and awesome

cause hugging a guy is alright now....cause its funny

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